Hamish McLennan
Hamish McLennan is an experienced media and marketing executive who brings unparalleled expertise to the Board, given the global roles he has held and his depth of understanding of the changing media landscape and the demands of advertisers
He has a proven track record as an outstanding leader across the media and advertising sectors.
Previous roles Hamish has held include Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ten Network Holdings from 2013 to 2015, Executive Vice President for News Corporation in Sydney and New York from 2012 and 2013 and Global Chairman and CEO of Young & Rubicam, a division of WPP, the world’s largest communications services group from 2006 to 2011.
Audit & Risk, Remuneration, Nomination and Governance.
Other Directorships and offices
Director of REA Group Ltd (Chairman),
Magellan Financial Group Limited (Deputy Chairman),
Claim Central Pty. Limited
Light & Wonder (US company, formerly Scientific Games Corp) and
Garvan Institute of Medical Research (Fundraising Board).
Previous directorships of other Australian listed companies (last three years)
iProperty Group Pty. Ltd (from 16 February 2016 to 6 February 2019) (delisted).
- Member of the Audit and Risk Committee
- Member of the Remuneration, Nomination and Governance Committee